
Farming Simulator 2013 Dedicated Server Software

This software used to be available from the Giants Software website but it was removed years ago. The only way to get it now is to purchase a second hand "Farming Simulator 2013 Official Expansion 2" disc. After days of trying, I could not find a single website with this abandonware available for download. Eventually I found that it was included in the 2nd expansion disc.

I'm also going to add here patch 2.1 for Farming Simulator 2013 as I do not trust Giants Software to keep the link on their website! You need an up to date version of Farming Simulator 2013 to use the dedicated server software and to play multiplayer at all.

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Rocket League Launch Batch Script (Auto closes epic games after running game)

When running the .bat, Epic Games Store briefly opens to launch the game but after 10 seconds it closes again so it doesn't annoyingly pop back up when you close the game. Rocket League is the only Epic Exclusive game I frequently play but I'm sure the script can be modified for launching other games.

@echo off
start com.epicgames.launcher://apps/Sugar?action=launch
timeout 10
taskkill /im EpicGamesLauncher.exe /f

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